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12 Resources for Hispanic Entrepreneurs
by Maria Valdez Haubrich
June 4, 2024

There’s a lot of good news for Latino business owners in the United States. 23%的拉丁裔企业主表示,他们的公司已经恢复,甚至比疫情前做得更好。State of Latino Entrepreneurship: 2022 Research Report). 

According to a 2021 report from the U.S. Senate Joint Economic Committee, almost 25 percent of startups were Hispanic-owned, overall contributing more than $800 billion to the U.S. economy. That's exciting news if you 拥有当今美国近500万拉美裔企业中的一家, or if you aspire to join their ranks. 

These 12 resources can help guide Hispanic entrepreneurs to success: 

1. Association of Latino Professionals for America (ALPFA)

ALPFA旨在赋予和发展拉丁裔成为美国各地的领导者. The more than 116,000名ALPFA的专业和学生成员有机会参加包括领导技能培训在内的项目, fellowships/scholarships, and mentoring for Latina women by Latina women. ALPFA has hundreds of Fortune 1000 corporate partners, offering access to 50,000 paid summer internships.

2. Hispanic Association of Small Businesses (HASB)

HASB为少数族裔拥有的企业和渴望创业的少数族裔个人提供教育材料, business workshops and remedial English workshops to improve their success. 该协会提供资源和工具,帮助企业家提高生产力,帮助他们与更大的企业竞争.

3. The Hispanic Retail Chamber of Commerce (HRCOC)

The Hispanic Retail Chamber of Commerce represents U.S. 西班牙裔零售企业和他们的利益和优先事项,以政府和媒体. It provides consulting, seminars, workshops, marketing support, networking and procurement opportunities, and legislative information for members. With Accredited Alliances in every state, the HRCOC serves members of every size and in many retail sectors. 

4. Latinas Think Big

With more than 20,000 members, Latinas Think Big is the largest online network of Latina professionals, entrepreneurs and students. 该网络将拉丁企业主联系起来,使他们能够分享机会并相互指导. 其他功能还包括招聘板、教育材料、新闻更新和策划内容.

5. Latino Business Action Network (LBAN)

In addition to working with the Stanford Latino Entrepreneurship Initiative, LBAN是小企业管理局为拉美裔小企业提供技术援助和发展的社区领航员试点项目的一部分. 该试点项目有助于支持和授权西班牙裔和少数族裔拥有的企业,使它们能够帮助服务不足的社区. LBAN还通过斯坦福大学商学院(Stanford Graduate School of Business)提供为期9周的混合商业扩展项目, where qualified business owners participate in lectures, workshops, networking and opportunities to help grow their businesses.

6. League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC)

拉美裔民权运动成立于1929年,是美国历史最悠久的拉美裔民权组织.S. 其部分使命是改善居住在美国的西班牙裔美国人的经济状况.S. and Puerto Rico. 它还涉及教育成就、住房、健康和公民权利等问题. LULAC就领导力等主题提供各种类型的社区方案, technology and economic development. There are more than 1,000 LULAC councils across the country.

7. Minority Business Development Agency (MBDA)

The MBDA is part of the U.S. 并通过其全国商业中心网络促进少数族裔企业的发展, specialty centers and grantees. 它提供定制的业务发展和以行业为重点的服务,帮助西班牙裔企业主获得并与资本建立联系, contracts and markets. MBDA还倡导和促进少数民族拥有的企业与民选官员, policymakers and business leaders.

8. National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC)

NMSDC对少数族裔拥有的企业进行认证,然后将这些企业与企业成员联系起来,以鼓励供应商的多样性. You can apply for NMSDC certification through one of its 23 regional councils. NMSDC works with over 15,000家经认证的少数族裔拥有的企业将他们与寻找购买产品的企业成员的庞大网络联系起来, services, and solutions from minority-owned businesses.

9. PepsiCo Juntos Crecemos

旨在教育西班牙裔食品和饮料小企业主,数字化是持续增长和长期成功的关键, PepsiCo Juntos Crecemos is a no-cost, personalized digital consultation program for owners of restaurants, bodegas and carnicerías. Offering grants and access to funding, mentorship, marketing support and operational assistance, 该项目的目标是帮助食品和饮料行业的西班牙裔企业家.

The Hispanic Digital & Delivery Program provides resources to help level-up business owners with online ordering, delivery logistics, infrastructure, technology, marketing and SEO. In addition, impact Hispanic Business Accelerator计划投资1000万美元,到2025年为500家拉美裔食品和饮料企业提供资金和小企业培训.

10. Stanford Latino Entrepreneurship Initiative (SLEI)

主要是斯坦福大学和拉丁裔商业行动网络之间的研究和教育伙伴关系, the Stanford Latino Entrepreneurship Initiative also operates the SLEI Education Scaling Program. 专门为每年总收入超过100万美元或至少筹集到500美元的拉丁裔企业主设计,000 in external funding, this nine-week immersive program offers business owners education, networking opportunities, 个人指导和对如何获取和管理资本的更好理解.

11. UnidosUS

UnidosUS是美国最大的拉丁裔民权组织, 拥有全国近300个社区附属组织的网络. 通过研究、宣传项目和附属网络,UnidosUS帮助美国.S. Latinos overcome the social, economic and political barriers they face.

UnidosUS的年度会议汇集了所有行业的顶级西班牙裔领导人, offering workshops, speeches and networking opportunities. Check out the highlights of the 2023 conference. Sign up now to find out about the 2024 conference in Las Vegas.

12. United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (USHCC)

USHCC及其由250多个地方商会和商业协会组成的网络致力于促进拉美裔小企业的经济利益,帮助他们成长和发展. 它提供200多个项目,提供资源,帮助西班牙裔商业社区提高客户参与度,扩大商业机会.

Remember to take advantage of free mentoring from SCORE. 经验丰富的专业人士在一对一的咨询会议上分享他们的专业知识和经验, with the goal of helping Hispanic entrepreneurs succeed.

About the author
Maria Valdez
Maria Valdez Haubrich
Maria Valdez Haubrich is the executive editor of, where she is responsible for all web content. Previously, she was the executive editor at Entrepreneur magazine, where she worked for over 20 years.
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